Course Offerings
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Environmental Science
- Forensic Science
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Microbiology
- Oceanography
- Physics
Benefits of Biology:
Biology is an introductory course in which students will learn the fundamental facts, theories, and principles of biology. The course is designed to help students recognize how science, technology and society influence one another. The biology curriculum encourages the development of critical thinking skills via lab activities, class discussions, and other student-centered activities.
Class Description for Biology (Honors/Gifted, Academic (CP):
The laboratory course is designed to emphasize the fundamental unity in the diversity of life forms and the living world. It introduces all the major areas of biological study so that a student may determine his/her own interests in the discipline and pursue them in an in-depth level. Biology should provide students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the nature, method, practice, and implications (personal, social, and environmental) of science as it is presently conducted, its composition and the changes it undergoes.
Benefits of Chemistry:
Chemistry in an introductory course in which students will learn the fundamental facts, theories, and principles of chemistry. The course is designed to help students recognize how science, technology and society influence one another. The chemistry curriculum encourages the development of critical thinking skills via lab activities, class discussions, and other student-centered activities.
Class Description for Honors and Gifted Chemistry:
This laboratory course is a rigourous mathematical approach to matter, its compostion and the changes it undergoes. The overarching goals are as follows:
- scientific and chemical literacy
- problem solving skills
- an understanding of the impact of science and technology on society
- proficiency in oral and written communication
- basic laboratory techniques and safety skills
- a strong foundation in chemistry
Class Description for Academic (College Prep) Chemistry:
The underlying themes of problem solving, reasoning, communication that bridges everyday language to scientific language, and connections to real life situations are woven through the chemistry curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on open-ended exploration, modeling and investigations.
Environmental Science
Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary course in which students will apply principles from physical, earth, life, and social sciences to understand environmental problems. Students will analyze ecological interactions within natural systems and investigate the effects of natural and human activity to these systems. The course will focus on human impacts to ecosystem services and introduce strategies to reduce personal impact and maintain a sustainable lifestyle. Students will apply such strategies as they learn to cultivate vegetables in the MCHS garden through the year. Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry is recommended.
Forensic Science
This course focuses on application of science principles from a legal standpoint. This course is integrated in design, and explores the scientific and technological aspects of criminal investigations. Topics include the study of tools and firearms, DNA, glass, blood fingerprinting, chemical residues, and evidence collection as they relate to forensic issues as well as applications to court cases, literature, psychology and criminology.
Human Anatomy and Physiology
This course is designed as an advanced elective course for those students with a significant interest in biology and those who anticipate pursuing a career in medicine and other health-related fields. It is a rigorous course that qualifies as a state academic elective. The course is an in-depth study of the structure and function of the major systems of the human body and related disorders. It is required that the student have successfully completed ninth grade biology and tenth grade chemistry prior to taking this course. The course is laboratory-based and also includes lectures, class discussions, group and individual work, library research, guest speakers, and appropriate audio-visuals.
This course is an in-depth study of all different microbes including bacteria, viruses, protist, fungi and parasites. First semester topics to be studied include historical microbiology, microbiological laboratory techniques, microbial physisology and DNA, indentification of microbes and controlling microbial growth. Second semester has a medical microbiology approach. Topics include epidemiology, parasitology, diseases of the different body systems, as well as food, soil and water microbiology.
Oceanography is a two-semester elective course designed to give students a strong background in the Ocean Sciences. The course covers a wide range of material encompassed within the field of Oceanography including challenging classroom activities, laboratory activities, field experiences (virtual and real world) and individual/class projects. Students will learn about geologic processes that affect our oceans, the physics of ocean waves and sound transmission in the ocean, the complex diversity of marine organisms and their habitats, how humans impact the oceans of our world.
Students should be serious about taking on this challenge as the course is taught from an interdisciplinary perspective and many other sciences are brought into discussion and course work. Successful completion of Biology is required, but completion of all required core science would also be beneficial. Allow Oceanography to introduce you to some of the greatest mysteries in marine science and help you to discover the most diverse and unique place on our planet – the oceans!
*Special note: The Performance final during Spring Semester is conducted as a field study at the Georgia Aquarium. This is done on the Science Performance final day, and students will be on this fieldtrip for most of the day, returning around 5 PM.
Benefits of Physics:
Physics is the third of three science requirements for Gwinnett County students' science courses in high school. In physics students are given the opportunity to apply math concepts and discover how knowing those concepts helps them be better problem solvers and allows them to have a greater appreciation of common events.
Class Description for Academic (CP)/Honors/Gifted Physics:
College prep, honors and gifted physics are all designed to give students a wide look at the scope of physicl concepts. Students in CP, honors, and gifted are all challenged to learn and apply concepts that not only make them better problem solvers, but also help them in preparation for introductory college physics. The focus of the class is on problem solving and discovery learning.
AP Science Courses
AP Biology
AP Biology is the equivalent of an introductory level college course both in quality and in sophistication. The course is intended to challenge student abilities to understand problems, develop and implement a plan, manipulate data, draw conclusions, think analytically, and develop hypotheses within the realm of biological science. Laboratory applications play a major role in this class. Students who are interested in pursuing a science degree or a career in a health-related field should take this course. Prerequisites included ninth grade biology, tenth grade chemistry, and either completion of eleventh grade physics or simultaneous enrollment in an introductory physics course.
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. For some students, this course enables them to undertake, in their freshman year, second year work in the chemistry sequence or register for courses in other fields where general chemistry is a prerequisite. This course will help develop students' abilities to think clearly and express their ideas, oral and written, with both clarity and logic. Emphasis is placed on chemical calculations, mathematical formulations of principles and laboratory-based activities.
AP Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science is for everyone regardless of whether you are pursuing a career in the environmental field or not, everyone needs to understand their impact on the planet. The unifying theme for this course is man's impact on the environment based on popluation growth and the use/abuse of resources during "civilized" development of our planet.
This is a college level laboratory course that aims to provide students with the scientific prinicples, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world. The course aims to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them.
AP Physics 1
AP Physics 1 provides an opportunity for students to survey a wide variety of physics topics at the college freshman level. Students gain a greater appreciation for the world and learn valuable problem solving and studying techniques that will serve them in college. This course is truly college preparatory in that it gives students more individual freedom with lab experiences and requires student accountability over a year-long term.
AP Physics C
AP Physics C is an in-depth look at the mechanics of the world in which we live. Students planning to pursue a career n engineering, mathematics or science should consider this course. Other students with a genuine interest in science may wish to take the course for a variety of reasons including the lab project flexibility and the more moderate pace of the AP course.