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Program Overview

Football Program Overview

Markham Field

On August 31, 2012, Mill Creek Community Stadium was officially renamed Markham Field in honor of Dr. Jim Markham, the original principal of Mill Creek High School. Dr. Markham served as principal from 2004 until his retirement in 2012 and was loved by the faculty and students alike. Even after retiring he was a frequent visitor to Mill reek and it was not uncommon to see him on the sideline on Friday night. Dr. Markham passed away on February 23, 2019, but he left behind a legacy unmatched in Gwinnett County.

Markham Field Dedication, August 31, 2012
"On this date, the playing surface of Mill Creek Community Stadium will forever be named  “Markham Field” in recognition of Dr. Jim Markham’s Leadership and Service to Mill Creek High School.  It is our hope that every athlete who competes on this field will exhibit the same vision, passion, and courage that Dr. Markham has possessed throughout his illustrious career."

Dedication Day Video
2015 Markham Monument Dedication Video

Dr. Markham

Dr. James (Jim) Markham

Teacher, Coach, Soldier, Educational Leader
Georgia, Arizona, Florida
February 1971-December 2012

U.S. Army Service in the Republic of Vietnam

1966-67 & 1968-69
"Give the children our very best today in the hope that what results is a better tomorrow."