Students in grades 10-12 who attended Mill Creek last year should still have their Chromebooks. They were renewed for the 2023-2024 school year after spring inventory. Students were asked to take their Chromebooks and charging cords home and keep them in a safe place. If a student has lost or broken his/her Chromebook and/or charging cord, please speak with staff in the Mill Creek Library about replacements and fees.
Students in 9th grade and students who are new to Mill Creek will be issued Chromebooks during the first week of school. Please check your email for details regarding Chromebook distribution.
While content filtering is applied to devices, parents are responsible for monitoring the appropriate use of technology at home. Students in households with limited or no access to the internet can request a hotspot from the local school. Students are expected to use devices following the GCPS Acceptable Use Policy and the Student Conduct Behavior Code.
Students should arrive at school each day ready for learning with a fully charged device.
It is very important that families review the Parent & Student Responsibility/Damaged & Lost Devices information shared by GCPS. For more Chromebook support, please visit one of the sites below.